Why You Should Link Your Own Website With Your Social Media Website

Your website is one thing, and your social media website is something somewhere else. The two can, however, be connected when you add social media buttons to website or websites that you own. Why should you even bother with adding links to your social media website?

For starters, having a link to your social media website means visitors to your website will instantly know that you actually have a social media website. This instantly makes your presence a lot stronger online. Consumers today will judge the companies they decide to use largely based on how well they do online, and this increasingly includes their social media presence. By adding social media buttons for website purposes, you are showing your website’s visitors that you have a very strong interest in communicating with them in the social media world.

Another reason to have a link to your own website and your social media website is to avoid the extra step that visitors will have to take to find you on social media sites. By establishing a link, you eliminate that extra step and you instantly make it simpler and more likely for these visitors to click on the link, get to your social media website, and become fans. Any social media marketing professional will encourage this, and it is an extremely simple task to accomplish that takes little more than a few minutes of your time to set up. It mainly requires finding social media website buttons and then adding those buttons to your site with a live link to your social media website.

Speaking of marketing and social media, when you are thinking about adding these links also look at other social media marketing tips to strengthen your presence here and to have that strong presence continue long after you have set up these links. It is one thing to have a link to your social media website but something else to actually have that website function well, with a high number of fans and an active presence. Use these tips to broaden the myriad ways to connect more strongly with your followers. In accomplishing this feat, you can simultaneously expand the number of fans you have, make your site look better and stronger, find unique ways to further market yourself in the social media world, and discover more interesting and more functional ways to strengthen your connections with your fans through your site.