What I Tell People When They Ask, What Is Social Media Marketing?

So many people have recently asked me, what is social media marketing, to which I usually reply, that depends on what you want. Of course, there is an official definition for social media marketing, which entails a specific set of strategic elements that pull various components together to form an official social media strategy designed to grab more attention for clients and get them more fans. This is more of a basic definition of this term and does not really delve too specifically into the minor and major details of what a strategy of this sort would entail, but it underscores the importance that this form of marketing has on the current economy.

When people ask me, what is social media marketing, I usually respond by giving them a useful definition and then guiding them toward a social media marketing blog, where further information can be discovered. On the typical blog surrounding this facet of online marketing, there usually are plenty of social media marketing tips that would fill a book if so desired. But in all seriousness, these tips are really pointers to get the ball rolling for some business clients. They sometimes like to handle their social media services in house, so when they ask me, what is social media marketing, I will describe to them what it is and then will suggest that they read more articles on the subject.

I also suggest that they visit social media websites, where lots of great information is contained and made available for individuals and businesses alike. On the sites themselves, these clients can look around to see which other companies are doing it right. On these pages as well, they can glean useful information like what it would cost for them to establish pay per click advertising campaigns and how successful these campaigns have traditionally been. In searching both within the pages of social media sites and outside of them, clients usually find the information they seek and are content to leave it at that.

Now some by this point will follow through with their social media campaigns by finding out how to add social media buttons to website pages so their own customers know that they are on social media. Others will abandon their projects entirely after asking me, what is social media marketing, and after I have told them what to do. It always starts with the question, what is social media marketing, and then it follows people down one path or the other.