What Can Social Media Do For Your Business?

Social media is an absolute must in today’s marketing world. In fact, 89% of marketers say that social media generates more exposure, according to Social Media Today. Not only that, but 75% of people also reported an increase in traffic after utilizing social media.

The key to making social media work for your site is to use social media website icons on your site. Think about it like this: if websites are the destinations, then links are the roads to get there. By sharing web content on your site through social media websites, and installing social media website icons so that others can share the content as well, you create more in-roads to your, which thusly increases exposure and traffic! Social media website icons will also expose your brand to their friends, who might share it again, and expose more people, sending your message out in waves across the Internet.

Katy Stewart, the social engagement manager of the Houston Business Journal, says reports that social media builds the customer’s trust, which creates brand loyalty and thusly customer retention goes up. Stewart says, “If you can show that your business lives by its values, people with the same values will respond-and those photos of your office Halloween party play a role, giving a glimpse of your personality to make your company stand out.” Social media opens up a line of communication between your brand and the customer.

So if you asked, “what is social media marketing and what’re its benefits?” Social media is a way to generate more traffic for you site, build back links, create more brand awareness, build brand loyalty, and so much more. If you really want to make your social media campaign successful, then you need to put social media website icons on your content. These social media website icons allow people to share the content with their friends, which means your site will be exposed to an entirely new audience that was previously unreachable. If you have any other helpful social media marketing tips or social media website icons suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments!