This Air Conditioning Trick Could Cut Your Electric Bill in Half! – Las Vegas Home

Your monthly electricity bill. This is mostly due to increased costs for air conditioning. The more often your air conditioner has to run, the more you will pay for your electricity cost. The good news is that there’s an under-appreciated air conditioning maintenance tip that can bring you savings of a considerable amount. This video will show you the best way to save on air conditioning.

A water misting device can assist you in saving up to 30% on your electricity bill during summer’s scorching heat. Misters help to disperse the vents on an air conditioner. The air conditioner is then able to absorb the moisture which cools down to the coil in its central part. It means the air conditioner is not required to be working as hard. This results in less power use and longer life for the system itself. The result could be units running six hours per hour instead of the usual nine hours. The systems are very simple to setup and will require just one gallon of water per day. This is one reason to look into a misting device for your AC unit.
