Category: Homepage

  • What I Tell People When They Ask, What Is Social Media Marketing?

    So many people have recently asked me, what is social media marketing, to which I usually reply, that depends on what you want. Of course, there is an official definition for social media marketing, which entails a specific set of strategic elements that pull various components together to form an official social media strategy designed…

  • Information How We Receive It, How We Buy It

    Social media websites have been popular for what seems like forever now, even though Facebook only became widely available to the public in 2005. Social media websites will probably grow increasingly popular in the future and they are going to be more important to marketing. At the moment, email newsletters and search engines is where…

  • Top Social Media Marketing Tips The Pros Give Out

    Social media marketing tips are highly necessary for companies opting to handle own social media needs. Social media marketing professionals usually are the kinds of people who are giving out these tips via the web, but these companies usually are OK with doling out this advice to others. For them, getting the client is ideal…

  • Why You Should Link Your Own Website With Your Social Media Website

    Your website is one thing, and your social media website is something somewhere else. The two can, however, be connected when you add social media buttons to website or websites that you own. Why should you even bother with adding links to your social media website? For starters, having a link to your social media…