Category: Homepage

  • Have You Thought About Doing Some Social Media Marketing for Your Site?

    Social media is everywhere now. Even if it is not that social, it is still omnipresent. As such, companies are starting to realize this, and take full advantage of it. They have perfected the process of social media marketing to spread the presence of their company, to advertise, to maintain their relevance among newer generations,…

  • What Can Social Media Do For Your Business?

    Social media is an absolute must in today’s marketing world. In fact, 89% of marketers say that social media generates more exposure, according to Social Media Today. Not only that, but 75% of people also reported an increase in traffic after utilizing social media. The key to making social media work for your site is…

  • Use Social Media to Boost Visibility and Attract New Customers

    Most consumers have at least a basic understanding of how many people use social media, and how significant a role it plays in society today, from both a personal and business standpoint. However, the number of people who use some of the top social media websites might still be shocking. As of August 5, 1.15…

  • The Best Way To Encourage Social Media for Your Site Is To Make It As Easy As Possible

    Social media links for websites are the latest trick in getting your internet traffic to share your website on their myriad social media accounts. When you add social media buttons to websites it makes the sharing process a one click procedure, making it that simple to get your name out there. Otherwise, a consumer has…

  • The Best Way to Promote Your Website

    According to Pew Research data, 67 percent of internet users use social media websites. Of that percentage, 68 percent use Facebook, 20 percent use LinkedIn, 16 percent use Twitter, 15 percent use Pinterest, and 13 percent use Instagram. There are nearly three billion internet users worldwide, so, you do the math. Considering the above numbers,…

  • Why Businesses Add Social Media Buttons To Website Areas

    Social media networks are some of the most important sites on the Internet today, especially for companies that want to stay in tune with a modern base of clients so that they can succeed in their business endeavors by attracting the right audience to their web site. A company that ignores social networks will be…

  • Social Media, Revamping Your Business and Your Social Life

    Social media websites are only growing in popularity and options. The typical social media websites are a social breeding ground for trading of information and conversation. However most people don’t utilize these websites for everything they can be used for. Social media is pretty much an outlet for free advertising. Placing social media website buttons…

  • Use Social Media to Give Your Business a Bold, Well Developed Web Presence

    One of the biggest challenges for businesses today is finding ways to get connected with both current and potential customers. For many, a strong social media campaign that allows them to enter into a dialogue is the best way to solve that issue. However, building social media awareness and gaining fans and followers is not…

  • Creating a Buzz Takes a Little Bit of (Face) Time

    The rise in social media marketing companies is largely due to the fact that more and more people are joining social media networks every day. From Beijing to Boston, social media users are becoming more and more engaged in connecting with friends, family, and people with similar interests in order to, quite simply, discuss things…

  • 3 Facts about social media marketing

    What is social media marketing? Social media marketing is an encompassing term that basically means getting traffic and attention to a site through the use social media sites, such as Facebook or Tweeter. If you own a site for example, a fashion website, social media marketing can actually promote your site and give you more…